Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin.
It occurs especially in the chest, shoulder, neck, upper arm, and its color and variety vary.
It increases during adolescents with a lot of oil secretion, but it can be done regardless of sex and age.
For acne treatment, effective treatment differs between the early stage of acne infection and the condition after inflammation has occurred.
In the early stages when inflammation begins to occur, let's look at the state of treatment using a remedy for anti-inflammatory action that suppresses inflammation.
After inflammation has occurred or its symptoms worsen, you should take acne treatment with a specialized clinic or dermatologist.
Acne is a type of skin disease, so it is not good to leave it as it is without treating acne.
One of acne treatments is chemical peeling.
Chemical peeling is the use of chemicals directly on the surface of the skin to peel off corneum which metabolism has deteriorated and encourage regeneration,It is a treatment to regenerate new skin.
It is effective for acne, acne scars, seborrheic dermatitis, spots, dullness, fine lines and the like.
There are also other acne treatments called photo-facial.
By hitting light that can directly damage melanin etc. which causes skin troubles to the whole face,It is acne treatment which exerts its effect on various skin troubles.
Because treatment time is short, damage to the skin is less and attention is paid as cutting-edge acne treatment.